Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Chapter Five - Thinking Small

The 'Think Small' campaign is incredibly iconic and memorable, and that's not just because of it's effectiveness as an advertising campaign, it's also down to the co-operative and creative process responsible for driving the campaign.

  Of course there had been people creating intelligent advertising before, these are the people who recognised the value of directness and honesty, however they tended to be isolated resulting in their efforts being easily snuffed out. DDB as an agency opposed this by encouraging constant communication between their creatives which resulted in the critical analysis of their ideas from different perspectives, in turn leading to the improvement and strengthening of ideas. 
  This communication didn't just happen between the art director (Krone) and the copywriter (Koenig), it also included the rest of the agency and even the client. This vast communication meant that ideas were constantly being shot down and disapproved to ensure that only the best ideas remained, leading to a new way of advertising; originality. The 'Think Small' campaign is a prime example of how originality within advertising can create the most powerful impact, gripping the viewer with excitement to then be hit directly with an honest, trustworthy selling point that you couldn't avoid. 

Cracknell, A (2011) The Real Mad Men

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lyndarn, your analysis here is sound, however as you work on the other blog tasks, perhaps you could discuss the contextual influences a little more. In addition, in other blogs and your final essay you could apply semiotics and myth to reveal meaning at a more analytical level. Use the language of semotics. Well done for including the reference for the book - all posts should include a short reference section (for the higher grade achievement.
